
Sunday, 15 April 2012


Day eleven and oh we have had the task already!!!!!! We have to go to a road corner and shake poor Billy!!!! yep shake him like the they do at Domino's with the pizza sign and get a photo :-0 poor Billy just hope i don't give him shaken Billy syndrome don't want to get into trouble.......
Hoping the rain stays away today as we have a lot of walking to do delivering some leaflets for the Mayor of Cairns :)
Billy all ready for his morning task it was raining ok :) !!

The time we started :-0
And so it began was getting honks before we even got to the top of the grass lol

Bless him doesn't matter what we do to him what we dress him in Billy still has that cheeky grin on his face!! :)

The tongue was for the hubby who was leaving us to it!! I don't know why :)

Times up :) quite enjoyed it and made it back home just before the heavens opened thanks  :) 


  1. Good old Billy, never a chance of getting board!..oh he is lol. Keep him out of the wet Antonia, he might put on a few pounds!

  2. Lol Andy that may be a little hard today seeing as the task is outside :-0 but till all ok have a hat and scarf that will hopefully help at least his head won't swell from all the attention we will be getting and the rain ;) xx

  3. looks like billy might need a coat as well as his hat and scarf to keep him dry from the rain, his body will just swell lol
