
Sunday, 8 April 2012


Good morning guys and gals. Well we have a really busy day today BBQ with family and friends, Easter egg hunt and possibly a bonnet parade if anyone wears one!!!!!! :)).
Billy is in the shower preening himself just in case he needs to impress!.............
All hands on deck for BBQ day Billy hanging out the washing or no breakfast :)

Billy insisting that he needs to keep up his fitness while staying with us 

Really Billy you think i am going to let you take Kudos for my Lemon syrup and walnut cake hahaha naff off 

Billy trying to get the kids to mingle 

friends Billy made well waiting for the eggs 

Billy holding the fort at the BBQ

Hanging with the Uni students but not quite holding the conversation~~~

Meeting Glen for the first time :)

Glen getting a little fresh!!

After borrowing one of Suzi's hats she felt he owed her  :)

One to many beers with Suzi 

Antonia trying her hardest to encourage Billy after face planting to join in with the kids again  :)

Two fingered who!!!!!!!!??
Only one bun at a time kids 

Poor Billy tried to run but his legs just wouldn't work!!!!

Chilling with Glen not sure what he is rolling there for him :)

After that night Billy decided to join the habit! 

Billy playing with his Easter cross

His Easter boobs 

After shedding the conflicts of religion Billy decides to relax a little and contemplate his life 

Glen decided Billy was just the right comfort for the end of the night  :)
We have had our daily task for today so just keep an eye out with the photos as they are added throughout the day and see what it was not sure we are going to score to high on this one though lol xxx Have a great day evening everyone xx


  1. How gready is Billy, he's eaten half the cake, give us the recipe to see Billy in his easter bonnet,bet he looks xxxx

  2. Did billy have fun at the bbq? Xxx

  3. Wish my life was as exciting as billy's

  4. Is Billy gay?...seems alot of manhandling going on!

  5. Wheres the group pic then xxx

  6. lol guys no Billy isn't gay (well i don't think so!!) but there were a few guys that were interested :)
    Key we didn't do the task!!!! whoops lol but we will catch up best we can lol xxx
